Book Review – Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

HP and the cursed child bookTo be honest I am not sure on my thoughts for this book. I loved being back in the Harry Potter universe and devoured this book in two sittings, the story kept me reading and it felt like being at home when I was reading about Harry again.

That being said I do have some issues.

It being a script, while understandable, made it more difficult for me to read it. I had to go through highlighting all of the characters parts in different colours so I would not need to look at their names to know who was talking thus taking me out of the story. Highlighting it helped me enormously. Most people could probably read it just fine but I have a thing with scripts, I just can’t read them but I did not have as much trouble with this one.


One thing that really made me dock a star off my star rating was the out of character Snape. He was saying things that I could not imagine him thinking let alone say. This was one of the times where it was clear to me that J.K. Rowling did not write this book herself. She never would have made Snape such an agreeable character. He gave in too easily to Scorpius at the mere mention of Lily’s name. It just did not sit well with me at all.

It could be argued that Snape was out of character because it was a different world and he was desperate for something to change but even in that case I do not think he would have been so easy to convince.


Okay, okay! Enough of my complaints! One thing I absolutely loved about this book was Albus and Scorpius’ friendship. They were adorable and I just want to pinch their cheeks like a creepy old granny. I would gladly read a book about them if JKR actually wrote another HP novel. I want to know more about them and their characters. I want to see more of their adventures together and their witty banter with each other.

I would have liked to have seen more character development for Scorpius and his relationship with Draco but we can’t get everything.

If anything reading this book has just rekindled my love for HP and has reawakened my thirst for new material, new stories. Perhaps now that she has seen the response this new script has been given she might bless us with a new novel?? *Sigh* one can hope.


Over all I can say that I really enjoyed this script but I think it would be better to see it actually preformed on the stage as it was meant to be seen. I am still hoping to be able to see it but it is REALLY expensive so I’m not holding my breath.

The story was good but it could have used more work and thought before they decided to release it, it seems a little like they just threw it together as soon as the idea came in their heads. It was predictable in places and had some holes in others.

I cannot decide what star rating to give this. I keep going back to my goodreads and changing between a 3 star and a 4 star so I think I shall have to give it a 3.5 instead.

Sorry this is a little disjointed but I seriously don’t know what to think about it, I have a lot of mixed thoughts. There are other things I would like to mention but I don’t want to turn this into a bad review, so I’ll leave it here.

I’m interested to know what your thoughts were. Did you like it? No? Why?

Until Next Time,

Tori x

July Reading Wrap Up

I had quite a slow reading month to be honest. I’ve been too preoccupied with CampNaNoWriMo to really do much reading. What I did read though I enjoyed for the most part. I was a little disappointed with Very Good Lives, I would not have brought that for the £10 they want for it, thankfully I only spent £5 on it so it wasn’t too bad. I think I was expecting something more from it than what I got so I could only give it three stars.

I am quite proud of myself for finishing my first book on writing. If you are interested in fiction writing then I really recommend Bird by Bird. It educated me about a few things while making me laugh at the same time. It didn’t read like a textbook at all and the chapters were just the right length that I never got bored.

I managed to catch up with all of the manga that has been released for SAO now so you won’t be seeing that again anytime soon and I carried on reading Ouran High School Host Club, I have now completed my collection so I can binge read the rest whenever I want to.

Other than that it has been a very quiet month of writing. Below you can find the titles of the books I read this month and Goodreads links to them.


Sword Art Online: Phantom Bullet, Vol. 1  by  Reki Kawahara, Illustrated by Koutarou Yamada

SAO Light 1

Sword Art Online: Aincrad, Vol. 1  (Light novel) by Reki Kawahara

Very good Lives

Very Good Lives: The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination by J.K. Rowling 

Host club July

Ouran High School Host Club, Vol. 13  by Bisco Hatori

Ouran High School Host Club, Vol. 14 by Bisco Hatori

Bird by Bird

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott

Host Club 15

Ouran High School Host Club, Vol. 15  by Bisco Hatori


Sword Art Online: Phantom Bullet, Vol. 2  by Reki Kawahara, Illustrated by Koutarou Yamada

Until Next Time,

Tori x

Mid Year Book Freak Out Tag

We’re now over half way through the year so I thought it would be a good time to reflect back on my reading year so far. I know I haven’t been blogging much but I m still very much reading!

Lets get on with it shall we?

Best Book You’ve Read So Far This Year


Vicious by V.E. Schwab

I have to admit I haven’t read many novels this year focusing mostly on manga but of the few I have read Vicious is the best one so far. I have so many books on my TBR list so I’m not sure if this will stay as my favourite of the year. We’ll have to wait and see.

Best Sequel You’ve Read So Far in 2015

City of Lost Souls

City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments, #5) by Cassandra Clare

I know a lot of people don’t like this book as much as the others but I loved the ending of this book. it really made me want to read the last book in the series (which I did immediately after and loved it).

New Release You Haven’t Read Yet, But Want To

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This Savage Song by V.E. Schwab 

A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magic #2) by V.E. Schwab

On The Other Side by Carrie Hope Fletcher 

Can you tell I want to read more V.E. Schwab? I think this is turning into an appreciation post for her. This Savage Song sounds amazing and I read A Darker Shade of Magic last year but was disappointed with it but I want to carry on with the series none the less. I brought On The Other Side today so (fingers crossed) I’ll read it really soon. I read the synopsis and it has me really intrigued.

Most Anticipated Release For The Second Half Of The Year

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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Illustrated Edition by J.K. Rowling and Jim Kay 

Haikyuu! Volume 1 by Haruichi Furudate

I have watched both season 1 & 2 of Haikyuu multiple times and love it with a passion so when I heard that they were translating the manga into English I had to pre-order it ASAP!

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, John Tiffany

Biggest Disappointment

memoirs of a geisha

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden

I love the movie of this and it has been one of my favourites for years, this book has been on my TBR shelf for years. I finally picked it up this year but I found that I found it lacking compared to the film. I think because I love the film so much it has effected the way I view this book. I think I went in with too high expectations and they weren’t met.

Biggest Surprise

Death Note V1

Death Note: Black Edition, Vol. 1 by Tsugumi Ohba, Taskeshi Obata (Illustrator), Tetsuichiro Miyaki (Translator)

I am kind of including this with the anime because they’re basically the same thing. I found the anime on Netflix (of course) after hearing about it for years. If you’re into anime then you will know about Death Note but I never got around to watching it. I did and I won’t look back. This was so good!

Favourite New Author (Debut or New to You)

I can’t really answer this as I have no answer. The new authors I’ve read this year just haven’t struck a cord with me unlike last year when at this point I had three new favourite authors. Hopefully I’ll find someone by the end of the year.

Newest Fictional Crush


Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist) 

Kirito\Kazuto (Sword Art Online)

Simon Lewis (Mortal Instruments)

Newest Favourite Character


Light Yagami & L (Death Note)

These two kind of go together for me. They have such a complex relationship\friendship that I love watching them together. I can’t really go into it because of spoilers but lets just say I lost some of my love for it when a certain ‘something’ happened.

Book That Made You Cry

Again I have no answer for this. Doing this tag is really making me see how much I miss out when I read mostly manga.

Book That Made You Happy

I have a whole load of books I could talk about here but I think I’ll go with my favourite.

Shaman King 1

Shaman King Volume 1 by Hiroyuki Takei

I had so much fun re-reading this, it brought back so many memories!

Favourite Book to Film Adaptation You Saw This Year


The Hunger Games: MockingJay Part 2

Favourite Review You’ve Written This Year


Most Beautiful Book You’ve Bought So Far This Year (Or Received)


This Savage Song by V.E. Schwab

City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare

What Books Do You Need To Read By The End of the Year?


Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity by Ray Bradbury

I’m currently doing a lot of writing but I have only read one book on writing as of this month. I really want to read more about the art of writing and educate myself more.

Who do you tag?

I’m pretty late to this party so I think everyone has already done this in some way. if you haven’t however then I tag you 🙂

Well there we have it, if you stayed to the end of this then I applaud you and thank you. Hope you found this insight into my reading habits interesting and I’ll see you again soon.

Until Next Time,

Tori x

Audio Books: Yay or Nay?

audible-logoFor the past few years youtubers have been pushing Audible on us citing the 30 day free trial perk they can give us (which in reality is not a perk unique to them, it is something Audible do anyway). I looked at my ipod as it was charging for my trip on the bus to work yesterday and I thought: “Maybe it’ll be entertaining to listen to a book for a change.”

I have been listening to podcasts on itunes for a while now, my favourite being ‘Full Frontal’ by Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat from the band All Time Low (my favourite!) it has certainly made my commute to work a lot more enjoyable and sometimes even something to look forward to. I find myself grinning and holding in laughter at their banter, i look like a bit of an idiot on the bus! So I thought maybe a book will be as easy to listen to too.

I signed up for the 30 day free trial only to find that I could not get it on my ipod as it is too old to support it.


I tried my phone instead which thankfully it worked on. Now to chose an audio book. So many choices! Eventually I chose a youtuber book I had been meaning to read for a while and I liked the fact that she was reading it herself.

The problem I have had with audio books in the past is that the people reading them sound so robotic as they are reading what is is front of them that it bores me or irritates me. I thought maybe an memoir or biography would be better as they might read it themselves and have a bit more personality.

I was right.

All I know nowThe book I chose was All I Know Now by Carrie Hope Fletcher. She has a pleasant voice, has guest readers to read their parts and little extra commentary as she reacts to what they’re saying. It helps that it is a good book too. I was going through some other books that I am interested in though, listening to their sample audio and feeling discouraged. It was more of the same monotone boring droning narrators as before.

I don’t know my opinion yet as I’ve only listened to it for about an hour so far but I am interested to know your opinion on this matter. Audio Books: Yay or Nay? Do you like them? Hate them? Let me know. If you have any suggestions for books to listen to then I am all ears.

Until next time,

Tori x

I Brought LOADS of Books\Manga! (April & May collective Haul)

Soo I may have been a little excessive in my book buying but when you read manga you get through them really fast! I’ve read most of these books already so I don’t feel too bad about it. My bank account disagrees with me though …

I’m not going to ramble on and on so here are the books I brought in the months of April and May 🙂


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Fairy Tail Volumes 5 & 7 by Hiro Mashima

I only brought 5 & 7 because I brought them for my sister. She is collecting them at the minute so I’ll read them eventually.

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Shaman King by Hiroyuki Takei 

Volumes 1516171819202122232425 & 26

Yeah … at least I’ve read all of them 🙂

The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith 

The Silkworm

I want to continue to collect these to add to my JKR collection. I’ve read Cuckoo’s Calling and really enjoyed it so I’m hoping that I like this one too.

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Death Note by Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata

Volumes 4, 5 & 6

I still haven’t read the last two volumes of this yet because I know what is going to happen but I don’t want to go through it again. I will get past it eventually but the pain is still real.

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Shaman King by Hiroyuki Takei 

Volumes 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 & 32

I finished the series by getting these and I am debating over doing a blog post talking about this series. I might try one out and if I like it I’ll post it. I have a lot of feelings about this series of books.

Looks like I was better than I thought last month. I thought I brought way more but I stand corrected. I really should start planning these ahead of time before writing them but it is a hard habit to break. I am really pleased with myself actually seeing as I have read almost all of these books. It feels like it at least. Now that I have completed my Shaman King collection I plan to finish another series I began collecting a long time ago. Thankfully I am only missing five books, three of which I have already purchased and are on their way to me.

There are a total of 24 books here! Wow I need to slow it down a pace. As I said now that I have finished my collection I doubt I will be buying as many books in such a small space of time but I can’t tell the future so we’ll have to wait and see.

I am bound to have missed something off but that is all I’m going to leave you with for now.

Thanks for reading 🙂

Until Next Time,

Tori x

Intimidating TBR Tag

I saw this tag going around on youtube last month and really enjoyed watching everyone’s videos so I decided to have a go at it myself. I don’t have the biggest TBR that I’ve ever seen, in fact I have been steadily whittling it down over the past few months (hope I didn’t just jinx it) but I still have enough to easily do this tag. The original video for this tag has been taken down so I can’t credit the creator but if I could I would 🙂

What book have you been unable to finish?

The Hobbit

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien 

I tried reading this back when the first Hobbit film was released or around that time anyway and I made it halfway through before putting it down. I didn’t even make a conscious decision to stop reading i just forgot about it to be honest. I plan to try reading this again at some point but I think I want to try reading LotR first before going back.

What book have you yet to read but haven’t had the time? fellowship of the ring

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien

Have you seen the size of this book? My edition at least has tiny writing which hurts my eyes after a while. I might invest in a better edition before trying this but we’ll see. This has been nagging at me for a while now so I might get around to this sooner than I think.

What book have you yet to read because it is a sequel?



 Cress by Marissa Meyer

Third in a series still counts right? I read Cinder and loved it. I read Scarlet: eh it was okay. Of course because I had mixed feelings about Scarlet it has put me off reading Cress. I want to carry on with the series though because I have heard nothing but good things about all of the other books and companion books in the series. I would like to complete my collection too but I can’t in good conscious buy the rest of the books when I still haven’t read Cress!

What book have you yet to read because it is brand new?

This Savage Song

This Savage Song by V.E. Schwab

What book have you yet to read because you read a book by the same author and didn’t enjoy it?

fangirl and carry on

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell 

I didn’t enjoy Fangirl. I have made no secret of it. There was something about the story I could not connect to and maybe it was because at the time I read it it was too close to my own situation for me to enjoy it. I don’t know but because I didn’t enjoy Fangirl it has made me a little reluctant to read this. I love the sound of the synopsis though and liked the Simon Snow parts of Fangirl hence why I brought it. I’ll read it eventually but I don’t know when yet.

What book are you yet to read because you’re just not in the mood for it? 

Assassins Apprentice

Assassins Apprentice by Robin Hobb

I really want to read this but every time I look at it I am reminded that this is the first book in a massive series of books and it just causes me to skip over it.

What book have you yet to read because it is humongous?


Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin 

I think this is a popular answer for this question. It would not surprise me in the least. This is a beast of a book and the others in the series are nothing to ignore either!

What book have you yet to read because it was a cover buy and it ended up not having very good reviews? 


The Alchemyst by Micheal Scott

Technically this was not a cover buy it was an impulse buy. One of the youtubers I follow recommended this book when I first started watching Booktube videos and I decided to buy it. I still haven’t read it and I am not even sure what it is about. I assume it has something to do with magic though by the title.

What is the most intimidating book on your TBR?

Battle Royale

Battle Royale by  Koushun Takami, Translated by Nathan Collins

I’ve read a quarter of this and it took me an age! The gore and the writing style took me a long time to get to grips with not to mention the amount of names you have to remember. It makes it a little hard to connect with the characters and be sad about their deaths when you can’t even remember their names.

Who do I tag?

If you’re interested in doing this tag and have yet to do it then please feel free, if you do it because you’ve read this post then please leave a comment and a link I’d love to see your answers.

I know it has been a while since I last did a blog post but I was feeling uninspired for a while I have a few ideas for upcoming posts so I should be posting new content soon 🙂

Thank you for reading and,

Until Next Time,

Tori x

Book Shelf Tour #3 -YA Fiction\Fantasy

SAM_1986 (2)This shelf contains a lot of my bigger books that won’t fit on any other shelf and it just so happens that most of these are YA books. Most of my YouTuber books are on this shelf too.

All of the covers I show you are the ones that I have on my shelf.

Shelf 1

Shelf 2

YA Fiction\Fantasy

Tour Shelf 3.png

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Going Postal by Terry Pratchett 

A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin

I was mainly colour coordinating here and they’re all about the same size too. I also didn’t have anywhere else to put these. I wanted The Book Thief to be visible because it is such a good book but it isn’t one of my favourites any more.

Fun fact. There is a gap next to The Book Thief because I recently had a book UnHaul and removed my movie tie in version of The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett. I now have a nice hard cover copy.

Shelf 3 2.png

Vampire Academy


Shadow Kiss

Blood Promise

by Richelle Mead

I still haven’t finished reading these or collecting them. Eventually I’ll get around to it, hopefully sometime this year but not just yet. Two of these were actually gifts for my 20th Birthday and Christmas.

Graceling Fire



By Kristin Cashore





by Marissa Meyer

I loved Cinder but Scarlet was harder for me to read and I still haven’t got around to Cress and Winter yet. I was close to getting Fairest but the price for such a small book put me off so I still haven’t got that yet either. One day I shall finish this series!

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Girl Online by Zoe Sugg

Twilight: Life and Death by Stephenie Meyer

Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore

Bitterblue was actually one of my favourite books of 2014 and I actually preferred the new version of Twilight over the original I don’t know if that is an unpopular opinion or not but whatever.


Binge by Tyler Oakley 

The Amazing Book is Not On Fire by Dan Howell and Phil Lester

I really enjoyed both of these books and if you like any of these Youtubers but haven’t picked up their book yet then I can safely reccomend them to you.

That wraps up shelf 3, next week you’ll get a look at my favourites shelf where I keep most of my Harry Potter books and some of my favourite series.

Until Next Time,

Tori x

March Book Haul

Wow I need to control my book buying! I brought way too much manga this month jeez!

I think I’ll start this off by straying from the usual books and show you some new Pop Funk figures I brought for my shelves as a nice change from all the books and links.


I brought Sirius when I realised it was an option. Sirius is one of my favourite Harry Potter characters and I own the most memorabilia dedicated to him so buying this was a must.

I brought Vegeta on Tuesday (29th) when I went shopping. I saw him in the window and I couldn’t resist him, he’s so cute!

Okay. Enough about the figures and on to the actual books. I brought a total of fourteen books this month and I’m a little disgusted with myself but I don’t regret it. I’ve actually mostly read all of them too. (I just counted. I’ve read 9 of them.)

These aren’t in any particular order, I can’t be bothered to go look up what order I brought them in.

animal crossing wild world

Animal Crossing: Wild World Game Guide

I made an impulsive buy a few weeks ago and got the game. I brought this because I remembered that there were patterns that I could make in the game that were in this book. Sad I know.

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Death Note, Black Editions 1, 2 & 3 by Tsugumi Ohba, Takeshi Obata (Illustrator) & Translated by Alexis Kirsch

I feel as if I have talked about this countless times in the past month so I won’t go into the details here. These books each have two editions of the manga in them so technically these are six volumes.

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FullMetal Alchemist 3-in-1 Volume 2 by Hiromu Arakawa 

Another impulse buy but when I saw it in Waterstones I couldn’t resist it. I read the first book in the series last year but didn’t continue reading. Something must have distracted me. I loved the anime though so I want to carry on reading the manga.

Bleach 3-in-1 Volume 1 by Tite Kubo


I’ve read this book before but I borrowed it off of a friend and now that I am watching the anime I wanted to re-read it and start collecting the books.

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Blue Exorcist:

Volume 6

Volume 7

Volume 8

Volume 9

Volume 10

Volume 11

by Kazue Kato

Yeah. I’ve brought more than this but they haven’t come yet so they’re not included. I’m still loving this manga series and I have almost caught up to the books now. Book 15 comes out in May.

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Kindred Spirits by Rainbow Rowell 

I don’t actually know what this short story is about but I saw it in the shop and saw that it was only £1 so I picked it up to read when I’m in a bit of a slump.

Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare 

I brought this just to add to my collection. I have been told that I can’t read this until I’ve finished reading the Infernal Devices so I need to wait until I’ve done that. It is such a pretty book though that I couldn’t resist it when I saw it…

SAM_1980 (2)Well these are all of the books that I brought in March. I’m sure my neighbours are getting sick of my parcels being delivered to them when I’m at work but what can you do? I am thinking of going on a book buying ban soon so hopefully this month my book haul won’t be as big.

Have you read any of these books? What do you think I should read first?

Until Next Time,

Tori x

March Reading Wrap-Up


March was a good reading month for me having read ten books. Most of them (again) being manga but I did manage to read three full length books this month too. Two of which were on my list of books to read in 2016.

These are in order of when I read them.

Death Note V1

Death Note: Black Edition, Vol. 1 by Tsugumi Ohba, Taskeshi Obata (Illustrator) & Translated by Tetsuichiro Miyaki

After watching the anime in the entirety of two days I fell in love with it and needed to read the manga to see if there were any differences. So far it is mostly the same. The only downside is that one of my favourite scenes isn’t in the manga.

memoirs of a geisha

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden

I was a little disappointed with this book. The film being one of my favourite films I was expecting to love the book too but it was only a three stars from me.

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Blue Exorcist, Vol. 6 

Blue Exorcist, Vol. 7

Blue Exorcist, Vol. 8

by Kazue Kato

Running with my theme of last month I’m continuing to read the Blue Exorcist manga and I’m really enjoying it. I only have a few left to read now until I have caught up with the story and books.

Death note V2

Death Note: Black Edition, Vol. 2

Blue Exorcist Spring 2016

Blue Exorcist, Vol. 9

Blue Exorcist, Vol. 10

Blue Exorcist, Vol. 11

Three  books left and I will have finished 🙂


Vicious by V.E. Schwab

I’m so glad I gave V.E. Schwab another chance. I loved this book. It wasn’t the best book in the world and there were some nitpicky things that I could talk about but overall it was a really good story. I am looking forward to the recently announced sequel.

SAM_1971Overall it was an easy reading month for me. I’m going to try and start reading more novels and series instead of so much manga but looking at my book haul I don’t think it’ll happen. Especially considering it is CampNaNoWriMo this month so I’ll be busy with that too!

I hope your month was a good one and that you read some great books.

Until Next time,

Tori x

Book Shelf Tour #2 – The Vampire Shelf

SAM_1969 (2)Another week another shelf to look at. This week we’re looking at what I like to call my ‘Vampire Shelf’. This shelf holds my big YA Vampire series and not much else.

This shelf stands out as the only colour coordinated shelf with all of the books being black.





Shelf Two – ‘The Vampire Shelf’



Dead Girls Dance (The Morganville Vampires #2)

Midnight Alley (#3)

Feast of Fools (#4)

Lord of Misrule (#5)

Carpe Corpus (#6)

Fade Out (#7)

Kiss of Death (#8)

Ghost Town (#9)

Bite Club (#10)

Last Breath (#11)

Black Dawn (#12)

by Rachel Caine

I haven’t read all of these and I don’t even own all of these yet. I plan to try re-reading the series and finishing it off at some point this year but it isn’t at the top of my list just yet. If you’re wondering where book 1 is, it is on my TBR shelf which you’ll see later on.

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Divergent by Veronica Roth

Eragon by Christopher Paolini

Divine by Mistake

Divine by Choice

Divine by Blood

 by P.C. Cast

Personally I didn’t like the Divine books but it’s my sisters favourite book series so I can’t get rid of them. They’re only on this shelf because they are grouped together by author.

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Goddess of Legend by P.C. Cast

Destined (House of Night #9)

Marked (#1)

Betrayed (#2)

Chosen (#3)

Untamed (#4)

Hunted (#5)

Tempted (#6)

Burned (#7)

Awakened (#8)

by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast

Now before you freak out telling me that these are in the wrong order, I know. Believe me I know. This was the only way to have them together and make any sort of sense or look good. If you look at the picture you can see that Destined, Marked and Betrayed are all the UK paperback, then you move on to Chosen and Untamed which are the US paperbacks (which I hate). Moving along the rest are hard cover because I brought them when they first came out. If I put Destined where it is meant to go, at the end, then it would look odd and even more disjointed than it already does.

Can you tell that I don’t like the look of these books on my shelf? 🙂


Well that was nice and short wasn’t it. Next week will have a little more variety in the books I’ll be showing you so stay tuned for that.

Until Next Time,

Tori x