Top Ten Tuesday #14 – Ten Bookish Things I Want to Quit


Over at the Broke and Bookish they have given us the topic of listing ten things relating to books that we have quit or want to quit.

It’s interesting but nothing really comes straight to mind when I think of this so it will be interesting to see what my answers are.


The first thing that comes to mind isn’t something I want to quit but something I want to change. I feel as if I am constantly reading YA books and recently I’ve been having the urge to branch out a little and read other genres.

Stopping Half-Way ThroughCinder

I have a bad habit of starting a book series and not finishing it, I reach a certain point in the series and then pick up a different book promising myself that I will go back and read it after I have finished reading. I hardly ever keep that promise.

One particular series I’m annoyed with myself over is the Lunar Chronicles. I loved the first book Cinder, not so much Scarlet but I still haven’t read Cress. I want to read it before Winter comes out but I doubt it will happen.

Collecting Manga

I collect manga, I don’t plan to stop but I have an annoying habit of buying just over ten of the books before I stop buying the books. It really annoys me because I do want to complete my collections. I have a lot of unfinished collections on my shelves and it needs to be remedied.

I only have two complete manga collections so far, those being: Dragonball Z and Cardcaptor Sakura.



I am terrible at organising my bookshelves. I have a system but I’m just not happy with it at the moment. I want to change it up a bit but I know that if I do it differently it’ll bother me!

Okay. Well, I had finished this post and had it scheduled but then I was watching some Youtube and the idea came to mention something that has been bothering me lately and you won’t be surprised as to what this is.

Small SPOIlERS for CROWN OF MIDNIGHT by Sarah J. Maas

Love Triangles 

Yes. Love Triangles. I’m reading the Throne of Glass books at the moment and I’m currently on Crown of Midnight. It is really bothering me that the main character switched from one love interest to another in the two books. There was some build up for the relationship but it just really annoys me that it was almost at the drop of a hat. Love Triangles in general just annoy me. I get that it is a good\easy plot device to use and it does create some interesting moments but in the end the result is almost always the same. The main character will either choose one of the men\women or they won’t choose either, leaving you wondering if there was a point to it at all!

Sorry. Rant over.

Well unfortunately those are the only ones I can think of right now. I was finding it difficult to come up with things to talk about this week, you can probably tell. I’m sorry this isn’t a very long or detailed list but at least it’s a post!

All that being said I’m curious to see what you have on your TTT so leave a link in the comments and I’ll head on over for a look 🙂

Until next time,

Tori x

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